Nickolaus Combs

Volunteer Coordinator

Born at Cannon Air Force Base in Clovis, New Mexico, Mr. Combs’ family moved to Lake Charles when he was 13. Nickolaus is a part-time gamer, sci-fi geek and step-father to two amazing girls.

Nickolaus also known by many as “Shaggy” was drawn into CYPHACON by friends and the promise of a fun time. His current position is organizing our volunteers and coordinating with our on site security to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for all our attendees. In addition he serves as one of our CYPHA LLC Board members.

You will find Nickolaus running around CYPHACON with his staff of volunteers. Also you can see him at our local event booths with our staff from time to time.  Finally, he played a pivotal part in helping organize and run our now popular CYPHACON Pub Crawl events.